Tiny Saplings Bring Smiles and Motivation to Learn More

Garima Goel
February 11, 2023

Young Kinder gardeners were all smiles and cheers to see fresh tiny speck of life on their farm patches as they went to have a look at them. Came Sunday morning of 5 Feb 2023, and kids came to the OES farm all excited to learn the next step of natural farming.

Happiness on seeing the tiny saplings

It was a sight to watch the kids gleaming with happiness on seeing the tiny saplings of Fenugreek plants, springing out of soil. These kids were all joy after looking at the spot where they had sown seeds, the previous Sunday. They came up to me and shared their exuberant feelings. And I find it difficult to put it in words, how it made me feel!

When coach Sreedevi called them all to greet them, they wanted to show her the wonder they all had witnessed on their small farm patches. She shared their excitement and explained to them about this stage to be Microgreens stage of the plants and told them a little about nutritional wonders of microgreens. She further explained about proper watering method at this stage. 

Joy of planting flowering plants

Next, Sreedevi guided them to a planned activity for the day. She took them all towards a newly created bed within the kinder garden area. Here they saw some flowering plants with flowers of various colors like yellow, orange, pink, red etc. She told them that they were going to learn how to plant flowering plants today. She helped them by demonstrating the process for 2 plants, one Xenia and one Madagascar Periwinkle, which she planted inside the bed. The kids followed their coach in planting these flowering plants in 2 rows. All of them are going to enjoy seeing these plants grow and blossom with loads of flowers over the next 25-30 days.

Learning to make Jeevmrutham a natural bio-fertilizer

There was another interesting natural farming activity lined up for the kinder gardeners, learning to make Jeevmrutham a natural bio-fertilizer, made with all natural ingredients. They all sat in a big circle and made jevamrutham in small buckets individually, which were kept for fermentation with their names written on the buckets. This was a new exposure for all of them to touch and feel natural material with their own hands. Sreedevi told them the advantages of using Jeevamrutham over chemical fertilizers and shared the benefits it has for the soil. With this they finished the learnings for the day.

Immense joy of harvesting Radishes 

Now was the time to reap some rewards for the hard day’s work. I took them all for a harvest activity to the netted house. All of them were to harvest radishes growing there by natural farming methods. They were all thrilled at the thought of this. They keenly observed Basheer Sheikh, Asst. Manager Farming, harvest one radish out of the ground for them. Of course, it just took a small swing of hand signal from me for them to begin the action themselves. Most of them were able to harvest 3-5 radishes on their own. They even weighed their harvest and put them in the cloth bags they carried from home.
This brought us to the close of a very happy and successful second session of this Kinder Gardener program.

About Organo Et School (OES)

Organo Et School strives to empower people to embrace eco-living mindsets, behaviors and habits. We recognize that for any positive impact to be sustainable, it must be long-term and inter-generational.

Organo Et School is a learning initiative set up by Organo in 2017 and has been facilitating field visits and workshops for Schools and Interest Groups. Organo Et School has had over 25+ schools, 6500+ students and 3000+ adults participate over the last 5 years.

You can find our upcoming workshops here → https://www.organoetschool.co.in/registration  

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