Syncor Solutions Team joins OES Sunset Harvest

Naga Vamsi Neelam
May 4, 2023

On 29th April, Syncor Solutions team came to OES’s Farm, along with their families to participate in sunset harvesting. They enjoyed being at the farm and doing farm activities that they rarely had a chance to do while in the city. 

A warm welcome to the participants

When they arrived at the farm, they were warmly greeted by our team. After all of them settled down, we introduced them to the vision behind our initiatives. We talked about how OES is continuing its pursuit of empowering people to embrace eco-living solutions, mindsets, and habits, through three different initiatives: Organo@School , Organo@Communities, and Organo@Corporates

Harvesting leafys with family and colleagues 

We invited them to our big netted house, where our farming team had grown healthy palak and coriander for them to harvest. Our farming expert, Mrs.Shilpa Teja, a practicing permaculturist, demonstrated how palak and coriander were to be harvested. She asked the participants to cut the palak leaving an inch from the roots and uproot the coriander.

They followed her instructions and started harvesting the crop. Parents were happy to see their children enjoying touching, holding, and harvesting the leafys. They all talked, cracked jokes, and pleasantly laughed together while harvesting. They placed their harvest in bags and weighed it.

Preparing a natural fertilizer

Later, Ms. Shilpa asked them to sit around the buckets under the tent. She told all of them to observe the ingredients in front of them. She explained how those ingredients could be mixed to prepare Jeevamrutham, a natural fertilizer. Talking about its importance in natural farming, Ms.Shilpa made all of them make Jeevamrutham by mixing cow dung, cow urine, besan, jaggery, and soil with water. 

Ms.Shilpa also told the participants how jeevamrutham could be applied to the plants at their homes. Our farm supervisor, Mr.Nagaraj poured Jeevamrutham into one-liter glass bottles and handed them to each participant. We have also given them a manual that has the required information on how to prepare and use it at home.

Sharing experiences

While leaving, they shared their experiences with us. We were happy to know that they had a good time at our farm with their families. Their positive feedback encourages us to design more experiential workshops for corporate teams. 

About Organo Et School (OES)

Organo Et School empowers people to embrace eco-living mindsets, behaviors, and habits. We recognize that for any positive impact to be sustainable, it must be long-term and inter-generational.

Organo Et School is a learning initiative set up by Organo in 2017 and has been facilitating field visits and workshops for Schools and Interest Groups. Organo Et School has had over 25+ schools, 6500+ students, and 3000+ adults participate over the last 5 years.

You can find our upcoming workshops here →  

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