Launching Organo@Schools – another step forward in 2022!

Meena Murugappan
January 28, 2022

About Organo@Schools program

In 2022, we are launching another ambitious program: Organo@Schools! Here, our aim is simple:

1) assist progressive educational institutions in Hyderabad to become more earth-focused campuses and

2) help instill earth-focused habits and culture amongst their staff and students

We know many schools are already several adopting sustainability practices such as Composting, Waste Management, and Water Demand Reduction. However, during our research discussion with several schools in Hyderabad, we understood that the need of the hour is a holistic approach to sustainability. This approach includes looking at

1) Energy Strategies (incl. Energy Demand Reduction, Clean Energy Production)

2) Water Strategies (incl. Water Demand Reduction, Water Conservation)

3) Fresh Air Strategies (incl. Air Quality Improvements, Bio-Lungs)

4) Earth/soil Strategies (incl. Soil Health Improvements, Productive Landscaping, Waste Management)

5) Shelter Strategies (incl. Building infrastructure improvements)

6) Food Strategies (incl. Safe & Witnessed Food, On-Campus Farming, Farm School)

7) People Impact Strategies (incl. Social Impact, Habits and Behaviors, Lifestyle Choices) Strategies

We want to assist School Management team to create a roadmap that will help in terms of self-reliance and future-proofing their schools.

About Organo Et School (OES)

We recognize that for any positive impact to be sustainable, it ought to be long-term and inter-generational. Organo Et School strives to nurture an apt learning environment that will support and empower families as well as individuals to embrace sustainable living mindsets and habits.

Organo Et School is a learning initiative set up by Organo in 2017 and has been facilitating fields visits and workshops for Schools and Interest Groups. Organo Et School has had over 25+ schools, 6000+ students and 2500+ adults participate over the last 5 years.

The spirit and intent of Organo Et School is to encourage individuals and institutions to adopt an Eco-friendly lifestyle by teaching them to connect and be a part of nature, to grow their own food, by inspiring them to look for sustainable sources of energy, contributing to the holistic well-being of the Eco-system. 

All our programs are categorized under Saptha Pathas, the seven strands of sustainable living that are Food, Water, Air, Earth, Energy, Shelter, and People.  

How does the program work?

Part 1 of the Program – Audit & Reporting Current Status

We have tied up with Continuum Studios (, Hyderabad-based Sustainability Consultants, with experience in auditing, reviewing, designing, and implementing sustainability strategies in eco-communities. As part of the program, the following scope of services will be offered to shortlisted schools within certain geographical boundaries:

1) Continuum Studio will meet the School Management and, on approval, perform sustainability audits of the said campus

2) Meet with the FM team and MEP team to understand the processes, systems, understand the site condition, review available data like energy & water bills, as built drawings, equipment details and existing infrastructure

3) Submit an Audit report with detailed analysis of where the school stands in terms of seven strands of sustainability

Part 2 of the Program – Implementation Roadmap report with recommendation of Strategic Interventions

After submission of the Audit report, Continuum studio will develop a Strategic Roadmap report (as extended paid service) that includes:

1) Create an Implementation Roadmap, Preliminary Budgets & Timelines for the schools to reach their sustainability goals

2) Advice on Water management, Energy Management, Solid waste management and Waste

3) management strategies

4) Feasibility of integrating Renewable Energy systems

5) Identify vendors and validation of systems with cost benefit analysis wherever required

This roadmap will be helpful for the School Management members to make decisions on what items they can implement immediately, in the short-term and in the long-term, along with possible cost projections. This information will be helpful in decision-making and speedy implementation.

Along with the Implementation Report, OES will submit

6) Calendar & Budget of training events (on Sapthapatha topics) of staff to encourage adoption of more earth-friendly habits

7) Calendar & Budget of sustainability workshops for students across 4 age groups aligned to their curriculum topics for the year with participants fees.

Why is OES offering this program?

We know that sustainability is a long-term journey and needs collective efforts. Through this new expansion into schools and educational institutions, Organo Et School is expected to reach out to a larger audience to educate and help more people make sustainable choices and lead this collective movement towards a better future.  

While our education programs help individuals make those changes, we also strongly believe it is important to help educational institutions commence their journey towards converting to eco-schools. It is with this intent that we are launching this program.


If you are a member of School Management, kindly connect with us to know more. Together, let us walk towards a more sustainable future!

Contact us: +91 99080 15049 or

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