SIS students visit Organo Naandi for their science case study

Garima Goel
March 24, 2023

A lively bunch of dedicated students from Sreenidhi International School visited Organo Naandi Eco Habitat. As 5th graders, they were an informed group of students. Learning by observation is the best way to learn and grasp the scientific concepts that they learn through books or on the internet.

So, seeing the concepts of Sapthapatha, Organo’s 7 strands of sustainability,  implemented in the daily running of an eco-community was a big learning experience for these students. They saw the solar panels, rainwater collection pond, farmland, fruit orchards, earth air tunnel system, goshala, and the thriving biodiversity at Organo Naandi and asked relevant questions to the OES program coordinator, Ms. Garima Goel.

The intervention related to the prevention of air pollution at Organo Naandi is done by the following:

  1. Created a Bio-Fence - a broad boundary of indigenous trees and shrubs grown around the plot of 37 acres. This fence reduces particulate dust from winds by acting as a filter.
  2. Encourage EVs that are being charged by solar power sources. So, not only is the community safe, but also reduces the contribution to air pollution generated near power stations
  3. Created mini forests using the Miyawaki method, so the trees can absorb Carbon dioxide and increase Oxygen.
  4. Created Earth Air Tunnels, to pump fresh air into the villas. This system takes ambient air, pumps it through large pipes 3-4 meters into the ground, where the ground temperatures are usually 10 deg lesser than on ground. This cools the air and reduces the temperature. This chilled air is then pumped back into each villa. This ensures there is fresh air inside the home. This also reduces the need to run AC at very low temperatures. This means any harmful gases CFCs and HFCs emitted from the ACs are also reduced, thereby reducing air pollution.
  5. It is ensured at the design stage for homes to have cross ventilation or large windows/doors, so that fresh air is always available. This way, residents only depend on fans, and have reduced AC usage.
  6. In terms of waste, there is no accumulation of waste in and around the community. The residents are practicing waste segregation at the household level, that is at the source itself. And this waste is segregated into wet waste, dry waste and hazardous waste and is responsibly disposed of following these methods: 

    a. Household wet waste goes into a composting pit. Compost goes into farms.
    b. Household dry waste is picked up by Gandipet Welfare Society (a remarkable NGO that focuses on recycling) and turned into useful products
    c. Agro waste goes into composting pits and goes into farms as soil improvements.
    d. Cow Dung and urine at the goshala go into a biogas plant and is supplied as power for farmers' quarters.

Having seen these sustainability practices put into action at Organo Naandi by the residents and the design concepts being implemented at the building stages, gave the students a lot of food for thought. And best of all, all of them said they want to live in a community like Organo Naandi. We have always noticed that children by nature are more receptive to natural environments and rurban living. We wish these youngsters the best in their journey to understand, and improve our collective future. 

About Organo Et School (OES)

Organo Et School empowers people to embrace eco-living mindsets, behaviors, and habits. We recognize that for any positive impact to be sustainable, it must be long-term and inter-generational.

Organo Et School is a learning initiative set up by Organo in 2017 and has been facilitating field visits and workshops for Schools and Interest Groups. Organo Et School has had over 25+ schools, 6500+ students, and 3000+ adults participate over the last 5 years.

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