Organo@Communities at Babukhan Lakefront

Nagavamsi Neelam
November 24, 2022

To celebrate International Children’s Day on 20th November with the resident families at Babu Khan Lake Front, OES organized a bouquet of sustainability workshops. 

It was Sunday evening and our evangelist Ms.Pushpa Datla helped OES with arrangements at the poolside lawn, at Babu khan Lakefront. She has put up a word with all the residents that OES is coming to their community with a couple of workshops for both adults and children.

Our program coordinator Ms.Garima Goel, arrived first and made all the necessary arrangements for the workshops. When we arrived, we were astonished to see almost all the arrangements had been done. She guided us to further arrange the event material. The venue was a beautiful poolside lawn at Babukhan Lakefront Villas.

The snake awareness program by Friends of Snakes Society (FOSS) was the first workshop. When it started all the residents along with their kids got excited seeing the live snakes while learning facts and bursting myths about them. After the workshop, they asked questions that were well answered by FOSS volunteers.

After this, we all took a small break. Children and parents tasted the healthy snacks from God’s Own Office Cafe, Organo Antharam. Residents bought safe and witnessed groceries from Organo Farm Store Stall. Children worked on some activity sheets and parents got some leafy vegetable seeds from OES to start their kitchen gardening journey.

Next our farm manager, Mr.Venkatesh Nallamilli started a Jeevamrutham-making workshop for all the kids and parents who sat around to participate in this DIY workshop. Kids along with parents learnt to make this biofertilizer while understanding its importance for the growth of plants. 

After this Ms. Anurag Dahiya started the “Art in Nature” workshop where kids were divided into 2 age groups and were made to sit in 2 groups. Ms. Anurag was helped by, Nandini, Ms. Pushpa’s daughter for conducting this children’s workshop. This workshop was really successful in engaging children across ages in creating beautiful nature compositions with crayons and watercolors.

The adults requested Mr. Venkatesh Nallamilli to share his knowledge on home composting. Mr. Venkatesh took the lead and explained how to make compost successfully. He also guided the workers to dig a small pit to start their journey with small steps and go big when they start to see results. Residents were happy to see the start of the community composting process.

The art activity still continued on because Mrs. Anurag wanted all the children to complete their paintings, they had started and did not want them to hurry. Gradually, all the children completed their drawings before it got dark. 

All the participants wanted to have more such sustainability-based workshops and we promised them to conduct more.

On our way back, we contemplated how impactful the event was in terms of participation, experiential engagement, and learning.

About Organo Et School (OES)

We recognize that for any positive impact to be sustainable, it must be long-term and inter-generational. Organo Et School strives to create an apt learning environment that will support and empower families and individuals to embrace sustainable living mindsets and habits.

Organo Et School is a learning initiative set up by Organo in 2017 and has been facilitating field visits and workshops for Schools and Interest Groups. Organo Et School has had over 25+ schools, 6500+ students and 3000+ adults participate over the last 5 years.

We believe in connecting children & adults with nature.

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