OES workshop Home Composting Made Easy at Togetherments

November 1, 2022
Garima Goel

Togetherments (2G) in Miyapur as the venue for its next earth strand related workshop, Organo Et School organised Home Composting Made Easy, for the community residents. It was a collaborative effort by Organo Et School and 2G waste management team on 9th July 2022 evening. 

It was a well-attended workshop. Over 30 residents joined to understand the waste management process, introduced by Organo Et School and Togetherment’s Facilities Management team (Amogah Associates), at their society. The aim here was to introduce an efficient waste management system at Togetherments at very initial stage of resident's settlement in the society. Once the system is set at an initial stage, it will be more effective and easier to adapt by residents of a society. 

Mr. Naresh Yadav gave an insight into why and how of introducing waste management process to be implemented at Togetherments. Starting with a very impactful presentation covering all aspects of the waste management process, from Why waste management is important, Why it’s need of the hour, to how it will be done at Togetherments, all well supported by data, figures and images. He gave a detailed explanation about waste segregation into dry, wet and reject/hazardous waste, which his team will be strictly applying at Togetherments for waste management to be a success at this new society.

Once the waste segregation process was well explained and well received by the audience, second interesting part of this workshop, a demonstration by our expert Ms. Soumya Manthena began. Ms. Manthena who is a sustainability lifestyle practitioner, conducted a live demonstration of home composting. She demonstrated composting at home by simple process of using home waste to make excellent plant manure black compost. She suggested all waste material like old paint buckets or big curd buckets to be used for collecting wet kitchen waste and convert it to compost within 3-4 months' time following a clean and odorless process. Her demonstration involved using buckets with small holes for aeration, lined with old newspaper, for collecting wet waste. This was followed by adding a layer of mulch, compost, repeated by same layering again and putting a loose lid over this. A little bit of soil can also be added to this at times. Soumya also added some butter milk or Jeevamrutham for starting the decomposition of vegetable matter. She emphasized avoiding cooked food or bones or dairy products, being added to the compost pit. This she said was the reason for bad odor that comes from home composting process in some cases, which might be discouraging for a lot of first timers. Soumya encouraged the residents to ask as many questions as possible and tried to encourage them to start home composting.

Once again Mr. Naresh took over the presentation and discussed how waste segregation will be implemented in the apartments to encourage all to join this drive. This he did by making all the participants take a Pledge: The Pledge

Reduce consumption & be mindful before purchasing an article or object.

Reuse whatever we can for as long as we can.

Responsibly dispose of our waste for a healthy and thoughtful community.

About Organo Et School (OES)

We recognize that for any positive impact to be sustainable, it has to be long-term and inter-generational. Organo Et School strives to create an apt learning environment that will support and empower families as well as individuals to embrace sustainable living mindsets and habits.

Organo Et School is a learning initiative set up by Organo in 2017 and has been facilitating fields visits and workshops for Schools and Interest Groups. Organo Et School has had over 25+ schools, 6500+ students and 3000+ adults participate over the last 5 years.

We believe in connecting children & adults with nature. Connecting children with the natural world at a young age is the first step in creating responsible stewards of our collective future.

If you or your children are interested in the Be a Farmer program, please connect to us at oes@organo.co.in and by phone 9154100775 today!

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