OES Snakes Awareness Program by FOSS at Organo Antharam

October 31, 2022
Garima Goel

Organo et School along with Friends of Snakes Society organized a workshop on creating awareness about snakes on Saturday the 19 February 2022. This program was intended to bring awareness and acceptance of living in a biodiverse environment, in harmony with other creatures. These creatures may be snakes, who are reptiles of the wild. But due to over urbanization and erosion of green biodiverse habitats for humane establishments, these reptiles are rendered homeless and displaced from their natural habitat.

The Friends of Snakes Society (FOSS) https://friendsofsnakes.org.in representatives conducted this awareness session for around 20 adults and 10 children at Organo Antharam site.

The purpose of this workshop was to raise awareness on:

• Snakes and human habitats

• Sighting a snake and handling it safely

• Venomous and non-venomous snakes and how to distinguish between the two

• First response and aid in case of a snake bite

• Facts from myths about snakes, well prevalent in Indian society

The Friends of Snakes Society helped participants learn all the above and much more. They had brought 10 rescued live snakes to show people and help them identify or sight snakes in real life situations. The children got excited to see so many live snakes being held with bare hands. A lot of them asked questions pertaining to their fears and related issues. All these were handled very well by the representatives, and participants got satisfactory responses.

They informed that snakes when sighted in human establishments are rescued with care by Friends of Snakes Society and, with the help of Wildlife Ministry of Telangana, taken into the forests and released there. This is done to ensure minimum harm to these estranged reptiles, who are being deprived of their natural habitat.

The workshop was concluded, as the representatives shared their contact details with the participants, to be informed in case of sighting a snake anytime in future. OES distributed folders containing information about snakes and remedies https://www.organoetschool.co.in/library common snakes found in Telangana with illustrations. These were meant to be readily visible in homes, in case of a situation. OES also gave button magnets along to display these sheets on a refrigerator in the kitchen area.

Ms. Meena, Director OES thanked the FOSS representatives and presented them Certificates of Appreciation at the end of this 1-hour program. A delicious lunch awaited the participants at the God’s Own Office café after the workshop.

About Organo Et School

At Organo Et School (OES), we recognize that for any positive impact to be sustainable, it has to be long-term and inter-generational. We strive to create an apt learning environment that will support and empower families as well as individuals to embrace sustainable living mindsets and habits.

Organo Et School is a learning initiative set up by Organo Eco-Habitats Pvt Ltd in 2017 and has been facilitating fields visits and workshops for Schools and Interest Groups. Organo Et School has had over 25+ schools, 6000+ students and 2500+adults participate over the last 4 years.

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We believe in connecting children & adults with nature.

Please send your queries to us at oes@organo.co.in and by phone 9154100775 today!

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