Graduation Ceremony of Kinder Gardeners

Naga Vamsi Neelam
November 2, 2022

On 16 Oct 2022, a rainy Sunday all the participants of Kinder Gardeners came to OES farm enthusiastically to collect their harvest of green leafy vegetables and graduation certificates. 

The rain started before the day began. Our Organo Et School farm supervisor, Nagaraju arrived at the farm early to check the situation and make arrangements for the day’s ceremony. Luckily, he observed the rain was not heavy enough to cancel the event. 

We were still apprehensive about whether parents and children will come to farm in such a rainy condition. But to our astonishment, all 10 children along with their parents arrived for the final session of this one-month-long farming program.

As they arrived one by one at the farm, removed their shoes, took the scissors, and went happily to their patches. Here, they started to harvest their crop, which they had tended to and grown for a month. Parents joined to help the children harvest as they were finding it difficult to cut the leaves, the soil being slippery. They all harvested Gongora and Palak, and filled up their bags to return to the tent. While returning to the tent they were happy to see their feet had got mud boots, which they had to clean by stepping into the rain puddles. And don’t kids love muddy puddles?

After everyone returned to the sitting area, they were served hot idly for breakfast by ‘God’s Own Office café at Organo Antharam’.  Having finished their breakfast, they eagerly awaited the Graduation Ceremony. Ms. Meena Murugappan Director OES, started the ceremony with a flashback into how her father inspired her to design farming programs for children. She felicitated all the children with program completion certificates. She even made them pledge that they will grow coriander in their small kitchen gardens for their parents.

All the children shared experiences of their four sessions at the farm. They all said they loved coming to the farm, every Sunday and showed their interest to join future OES programs. Ms. Garima Goel, Program Coordinator of OES garlanded the children with marigold garlands made with flowers harvest from OES farm itself. This made parents and kids, happy alike.

Thus, the final session of Kinder Gardeners program ended with a lot of happy moments. 

About Organo Et School (OES)

We recognize that for any positive impact to be sustainable, it has to be long-term and inter-generational. Organo Et School strives to create an apt learning environment that will support and empower families as well as individuals to embrace sustainable living mindsets and habits.

Organo Et School is a learning initiative set up by Organo in 2017 and has been facilitating field visits and workshops for Schools and Interest Groups. Organo Et School has had over 25+ schools, 6500+ students and 3000+ adults participate over the last 5 years.

We believe in connecting children & adults with nature. Connecting children with the natural world at a young age is the first step in creating responsible stewards of our collective future.

If you or your children are interested in the "Be a Farmer" program, please connect to us at and by phone 9154100775 today!

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