Celebrating KG Batch 4 Graduation

Naga Vamsi Neelam
March 14, 2023

Young and bright Kinder Gardeners came to the OES  farm on a Sunday morning to reap the benefits of their hard work over a period of one month. They were all excited and sad, at the same time. It was exciting because they were going to harvest the crops they have grown with lots of love and effort. They were also waiting to be awarded certificates recognizing their efforts. Whereas they were sad, because it was the last day of their farm journey, as all of them enjoyed coming to the farm every Sunday for the last 5 weeks.

Rewards for Patience and Care

Once they greeted their loving teacher, Ms. Sreedevi Ande, and she shared the day’s plan, clouds of sadness gradually melted away. Everyone got excited and gathered around her. Ms. Sreedevi told them that they have to harvest fresh methi and coriander from their patches, as it is ready for harvest. She demonstrated harvesting the leafys in the demo patch. After the demonstration, all of them went to their patches and started harvesting with their little hands. They all wondered at nature’s magic of how small seeds sown a month ago had grown into green plants ready for harvest and used for cooking. Our young farmers learned a valuable lesson that with patience and care, small beginnings can lead us to bigger better benefits in life.

While harvesting, one of the students observed that methi roots had nodules in a round shape. Mr. Vijay Ramana, Farm Manager at Organo Eco-Habitats, explained that the roots of leguminous plants will have a bacteria called Rhizobium, which converts atmospheric nitrogen into ammonia which will be absorbed by them. This symbiotic relationship also helps improve soil fertility.

Awarding Certificates to Our Young Gardeners 

When they were all asked about their experiences of this 5-week journey. They all said it was fun and exciting. It taught them a lot of things about plants and how to grow them. They even learned how this will help them in saving the earth and doing good for mother nature.

Ms. Meena Murugappan, Director, Organo Et School, before felicitating them with certificates asked the children to promise that they will all start growing coriander at home. In case they need any advice, OES will be with them in their farming journey. All the children were given certificates of participation for successful completion of the Kinder Gardener program.

This was a small gesture from OES for appreciating their dedication and efforts and encouraging them at the same time.

Getting creative with clay

The felicitation ceremony was followed by another activity that gave them an opportunity to explore their creativity. It was a clay rendition workshop by Mr. Manpreet Singh, a renowned clay artist. All the children gathered around, Mr. Manpreet as he introduced the art of creating wonderful things with clay. He gave the participants a handful of clay and other necessary tools to create anything that stirs their imagination. Some of them made snakes, birds, and turtles, others tried making bird nests, octopuses, and many other tiny things.

After their creative stint with clay, all of them walked towards the spring onion and cluster bean fields. Along with their parents, all the children harvested cluster beans and spring onions. With their hands full of leafys and vegetables they harvested they waved goodbyes to the OES team and OES farm, only to join the Be A farmer batch, next year again.

About Organo Et School (OES)

Organo Et School strives to empower people to embrace eco-living mindsets, behaviors, and habits. We recognize that for any positive impact to be sustainable, it must be long-term and inter-generational.

Organo Et School is a learning initiative set up by Organo in 2017 and has been facilitating field visits and workshops for Schools and Interest Groups. Organo Et School has had over 25+ schools, 6500+ students, and 3000+ adults participate over the last 5 years.

You can find our upcoming workshops here → https://www.organoetschool.co.in/registration  

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