Zero Waste Organo Workshop 2 - Waste Segregation

Naga Vamsi Neelam
July 13, 2023

At Organo, a workshop on waste segregation was conducted on June 19th 2023 as part of the Zero Waste Organo Initiative. Led by Mrs. Keerthana Suresh, a senior architect, the workshop aimed to educate our staff on the importance of responsible waste management and the benefits of waste segregation. It was an enlightening session that shed light on the various types of waste commonly found in our offices and homes.

Keerthana began the workshop by discussing the concept of waste and the repercussions of neglecting its proper disposal. She emphasized the significance of waste segregation and its positive impact on our environment. In addition, she shared valuable insights into the different types of waste generated within our organization.

She unveiled the fact that our staff consumes paper made from approximately 1.25 mature trees every month. She urged everyone to be mindful of their paper usage and strive to minimize it. After all, it takes 15 to 25 years for a tree to grow for the sole purpose of paper production.

To address these issues effectively, Keerthana recommended the implementation of color-coded bins throughout our workspace, kitchen, IT room, outdoors, and washrooms. This segregation system will enable us to categorize waste accurately and ensure its proper disposal. Furthermore, she highlighted the significance of collaborating with a local recycling service to manage our waste effectively.

The session concluded with practical suggestions from Keerthana on how to deal with waste generated at the office. These suggestions are aimed at creating a culture of responsible waste management among our staff:

  1. Each department should gather their paper waste in the printing room on a weekly or monthly basis and wrap it for the recycler.
  2. Single-sided printed sheets can be placed in a designated box next to the printer, for rough purposes or rough prints.
  3. Food packs or wrappers should be rinsed before being disposed of in the bins.
  4. Broken pens, glass, metal cans, and other miscellaneous items should be segregated separately in their respective box in the printing room.
  5. Sweeping dust, tea bags, and coffee grounds can be mixed with compost. Food waste and tissue papers should be collected in biodegradable bins and used for compost.
  6. Sanitary waste must be disposed of daily, following proper guidelines.

The presentation was followed by a lively discussion among the Organo Team on waste management.

About Organo Et School (OES)

Organo Et School empowers people to embrace eco-living mindsets, behaviors, and habits. We recognize that for any positive impact to be sustainable, it must be long-term and inter-generational.

Organo Et School is a learning initiative set up by Organo in 2017 and has been facilitating field visits and workshops for Schools and Interest Groups. Organo Et School has had over 25+ schools, 6500+ students, and 3000+ adults participate over the last 5 years.

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