Students of Indus International visit Organo’s Goshala

Susmita Changkakoty
April 21, 2023

Like any other day, the cows were grazing and the calves were playing in the field at Organo’s Diary Incubation Center. A group of enthusiastic 2nd grade students from Indus International School arrived on 17th April 23, at 10 a.m. OES staff greeted them with fresh buttermilk from the goshala.

An introduction to OES

Ms. Garima Goel, Program Coordinator, commenced the event with an introduction to Organo Et School (OES) and ODIC. She also answered queries that children had regarding OES. She made an effort to foster a welcoming atmosphere so that the kids felt at ease and enjoyed their trip to Bakaram goshala.

Learning about Biogas plant

Their primary goal of visiting ODIC was to learn about the biogas plant and its functionality.  Ms. Prabha gave them a brief explanation of the entire process of creating renewable energy. The biogas plant comprises a mixing tank where the cow dung is mixed with sufficient amounts of water and discharged into the digester through an inlet pipe. The slurry is then fermented inside the digester and biogas is produced through bacterial action. Later the biogas is collected in the gas storage dome and  is carried by a gas pipeline to the kitchen.

The school teachers equally took part in understanding the method of operating the biogas plant and made the children understand it better as this is the current unit of inquiry in their curriculum.

Learning about Fodder growth

Ms. Prabha Dhamodharan and Ms. Lakshmi Battula, General Manager-Farming at Organo, took them to the area where the farm's super napier fodder is cultivated. They were given a tour of the fodder area where their interesting questions were answered by our team patiently. They came across a bull named Bahubali in the fodder area and this made them incredibly eager to touch the bull.

Visit to the Goshala Kitchen

They were shown the ODIC kitchen,where biogas helped in producing flame for cooking ghee and paneer. The school teachers guided the children to form a queue and take a look into the kitchen.

Feeding the Cows with fodder

Last but not the least, they were taken to the cow shed area where Ms Lakshmi gave some fodder to each child and later they were allowed to feed this to the cows. 

Being with the cows, touching and feeding them was great fun for them. For many of them this activity led them to overcome the fear of being with cattles.Our goshala supervisor Chotu showed them the milking process and also the fodder chopping machine. 

Small token of love from OES to young students

The kids were given a ghee bottle and an activity book as an expression of appreciation after visiting the goshala and receiving all of their questions answered. The kids waved goodbye to us after being ecstatic to receive these gifts from OES. We are very appreciative to Indus International School for believing in us and taking the hardship of transporting the pupils so they may learn by doing.

About Organo Et School (OES)

Organo Et School empowers people to embrace eco-living mindsets, behaviors, and habits. We recognize that for any positive impact to be sustainable, it must be long-term and inter-generational.

Organo Et School is a learning initiative set up by Organo in 2017 and has been facilitating field visits and workshops for Schools and Interest Groups. Organo Et School has had over 25+ schools, 6500+ students, and 3000+ adults participate over the last 5 years.

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