Safely Explore Nature Online - OES Online Workshop

November 1, 2021
Garima Goel

In the event of October 2021 being declared as the “Cyber Security Awareness Month” by DSCI. On a bright Sunday morning of 9th October 2021, we logged in for an online Workshop lead by our Cyber Security expert Mr. Sriram, VP Cybersecurity Assurance at Genpact. The young participants in the age bracket of 10-16 yrs were all set to join in. They logged in to this informative session on dangers of cyber world, while exploring nature online. Especially when, they are either studying online or playing or chatting with friends on social media.

Our session started with Mr. Sriram setting the context and making the children comfortable. He made the session extremely interactive. He asked the children to share their awareness about the clear and present dangers of net surfing in today’s day and age. Did they know what all the internet giants like google, Facebook or WhatsApp know about their personal details and day to day activities behind their screens? Well, children were clearly aware of a lot.

Discussion proceeded on, how Online class room learning via zoom calls impacted online safety of kids in past 2 years. The emerging security threats like cyberbullying, sexting, Child pornography, identity thefts, phishing along with unsafe video call-based learning methods, were covered in detail.

Then came the most informative part, how to safeguard our children? How kids can themselves use tips and change settings on their devices to be safe. The Q&A section was very interesting, where young internet users asked questions and got answers to their satisfaction. Post the children’s Tet-at tete, we shifted gears and started a more serious interface, with parents getting some very important safety insights about cyber threats and how to safeguard children, against them. It is important for parents and children to become more cyber-smart and better educated about safe practices while on social media or chats.

Some handy safety tips shared during this interactive session are listed here:
Don't share these 8 things while chatting or on social media:


-Home Address

-Phone Number

-Personal Information (like Aadhaar number, etc)

-Current Location

-Whether you are Home Alone or not

-Any Email Address

-Any Information about Parents

Hope this "Don't Share" list is helpful. Keeping this list printed/written & taped near their study spaces will help children understand the importance of being cyber-smart and cyber-safe.


Q How to design a good password?

Ans: Instead of password.  Think of a phrase you like or dislike.  Or a phrase an object reminds you of. For example, the sewing needle might remind you of "a stich in time saves nine". Now you can use these phrases first letter of the words.

Q What if I forget passwords? Can I write it down in a notebook?

Ans: You will find it easier to now create "password" and not forget it too... so no need to write. CAUTION here being that phrase should be known to your parents and you only.

Q What is 2-way authentication? Should I do it? Will I need a phone number for it?

Ans: 2-way or actually 2 factor is a good way. Even if someone has your password, they won't have this second code. You may need a device with an app. But may not need a phone number.

Q How do I know if a website is safe or not? My teacher said something about htmls/html

Ans: Http and https (s for secure). Is a way for websites to operate. Anything that has https will have a direct secure channel from your computer to the Webserver. Most banking  and personal  info website  should be https.

Q How do I identify if an app is built by a safe company or not? This will help me decide if I should download it or not.

Ans: Most reputed apps have good reviews.  You should download only from Appstore(iOS) and play store(google). Watch out for duplicate _ similar icon or spelling before downloading.

Please download Cyber Safety ready reckoner from OES website, visit our library Click here

About Organo Et School (OES)

We recognize that for any positive impact to be sustainable, it has to be long-term and inter-generational. Organo Et School strives to create an apt learning environment that will support and empower families as well as individuals to embrace sustainable living mind sets and habits.

We believe in connecting children & adults with nature. Connecting children with the natural world at a young age is the first step in creating responsible stewards for our collective future.

If you or your children are interested in any of our programs on sustainability and nature, please connect to us at and by WhatsApp 9154100775 today!

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