BAF Spring Batch Session-7 Application of Neem Oil as Natural Pesticide

March 30, 2022
Garima Goel

The 7th session of the Spring batch of Be a Farmer program at OES Childrens’ Farm, began on Sunday morning of 20 March 2022. All the kids were excited and prepared to tend to their farm patches. They all got out of their vehicles and ran to their farm patches to have a look at growth of vegetable plants. This time they were delighted to see almost mature plants of coriander, beetroot, radish alongside the little plants of tomatoes and brinjals.

They all came to meet Shilpa, OES coach for BAF program, who greeted them with smiles and cheer. All the kids were ready for session 7 activities, lined up for them. They all watered the plants well. Looked for weeds all over the farm patch and weeded them away.

That done Shilpa helped them observe the radish leaves which had some pest attack and needed to be dealt with. Children asked her what was supposed to be done to control this pest attack? Shilpa reminded them of the learning from the last session about Neem oil solution as a natural pesticide. Kids took a clue and started making the said solution using Neem Oil and soap nuts solution, in the required proportions and diluting this with water. They filled their spray bottles with this natural pesticide and sprayed it all over the plants in their patch. The only exception was the almost ready coriander. They all went ahead to harvest the coriander by uprooting it and collecting it in their baskets. This coriander was extremely fresh and soft to touch. One of them mentioned to her mom that she is getting home as much coriander as may cost Rs.300 in the vegetable market. Everybody smiled at this statement, realizing the fact, the girl is learning to value her harvest and the contribution she is making to her home kitchen.

Later the young farmers harvested some brinjals, carrots, Onions, and green chilies from the OES farm beds and took them home. In the end, all of them happily sat and chatted with Shilpa and OES staff before leaving to spend the rest of Sunday with their families and friends.

About Organo Et School (OES)

We recognize that for any positive impact to be sustainable, it must be long-term and inter-generational. Organo Et School strives to create an apt learning environment that will support and empower families as well as individuals to embrace sustainable living mindsets and habits.

Organo Et School is a learning initiative set up by Organo in 2017 and has been facilitating field visits and workshops for Schools and Interest Groups. Organo Et School has had over 25+ schools, 6000+ students and 2500+ adults participate over the last 4 years.

We believe in connecting children & adults with nature. Connecting children with the natural world at a young age is the first step in creating responsible stewards for our collective future.

If you or your children are interested in future Be a Farmer programs, please contact us at and by phone 9154100775 today! You can also click here to express your interest. We will keep you posted on our future farm cycles.

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