OES launches STEL Program on Safe Milk Systems at The Shri Ram Academy

Naga Vamsi Neelam
March 18, 2024

On March 1st, OES launched A 5-Week Learning Experience on Safe Milk, Milk Products, and Goshala for PYP 3 of Shri Ram Academy. We appreciate the school management & teachers for deciding to integrate Sustainability through Experiential Learning (STEL) programs into the curriculum of the students. Through this program we wanted to introduce children to Safe Food Systems. 

Introduction to Goshala, Indian Cows and Milk Products

During the inaugural session, over 40 students from PYP 3 visited Organo Goshala in Bakaram Village. Upon arrival, the children were warmly welcomed and seated. Ms. Sandya Reddy, OES Deputy General Manager, elucidated the purpose of their visit to Organo Goshala and outlined the forthcoming 5-week journey. 

Each child received informative sheets detailing facts about cows, milk, and its derivatives. Ms. Sandya enlightened them about the significance of Goshalas in Indian culture and highlighted the distinctions between Indian and western cattle breeds. She also imparted knowledge about milk and its various products, making the session both enjoyable and educational for the children.

Feeding the Cows

Following this enlightening session, the children were thrilled to interact with the cows and calves, eagerly feeding them grass. Witnessing the joy on the children's faces as they fed the cows was truly heartening.This was the most exciting activity for the children and they loved feeding them multiple times. 

Guided tour of the Goshala

Subsequently, the children embarked on a guided tour of the Goshala, exploring the lush grass fields and learning about super napier grass.

They observed the functioning of the biogas plant and gained insight into hydroponic fodder cultivation and mushroom cultivation techniques.

Milking Process and Goshala Kitchen

The children were introduced to the milking process, understanding the stark contrast between natural practices at Organo Goshala and industrial dairy practices involving chemical inputs. They also witnessed how gobar gas is utilized in the Goshala kitchen, further emphasizing sustainable practices.

After completing all this activities they had their snacks and drank fresh buttermilk made at Goshala. They all waved goodbye to us while going back to their school.

About Organo Et School (OES):

Organo Et School, an experiential learning initiative by Organo since 2017, has impacted over 8000 students, 2000 adults, 1250 community residents, and 500 corporate employees. Join us on our journey toward sustainable living by subscribing to our channel and following us on Instagram for the latest updates. 🌿

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