Mindful Shopping: Ways to avoid Wasteful Spending Traps

Sreeja Kalagotla
July 20, 2021

Great news! Our insightful article on Mindful Shopping has been featured on Prakati.

We have always admired the work of Prakati for providing an online platform for all environment-positive initiatives and at the same time time building-up a knowledge repository covering different aspects of Sustainability.

A big Thank You to Prakati team for acknowledging and featuring our article.

Here's a snippet of our feature:

“Minimalism is not the lack of what you need; it’s simply the balance between what you want and what you need”.

‍Do you feel overwhelmed with the unwanted clutter of clothes, footwear, accessories, and souvenirs you have collected over the time. Now do you truly want to put an end to all this and decided to start your journey of mindful shopping. An important factor here is to work on the urge of shopping, it is not easy to get discouraged and drop everything you have been building, but don’t give up.

Below are few points you must ponder before shopping:
  1. Make sure to learn to identify what you want vs. what you need. It is essential to stop impulse shopping and instead only shop what is needed, this can be tricky, and sometimes to distinguish between want and need will be the challenge, but slowly you will be able to determine your need.
  2. Create a shopping list that can be pinned to the kitchen board and everyone in the family can list whatever they need against their names throughout the week. As a family sit down together 1 day prior the day of shopping to re-look at the items listed and asked yourselves do you really need the items and you will find out that many of the items are not needed and hence the items listed will be reduced to a smaller list
  3. Wait before your purchase, doing this will allow you time to research the item and if you will actually miss not having it, so next time you are online shopping let the items stay on the cart for 2-3 days before you decide to place the order.
  4. Reduce your trips to the supermarket and procure most of your needs locally. To support local merchants and craftspeople means making an investment in your community.
  5. Shop responsibly and check to see if the stores you shop at have policies about social responsibility including child labor, forced labor, minimum wages, overtime, and various labor laws.

A minimalist lifestyle is the first step to Sustainable living, share your story of “Mindful Shopping” with us and inspire many more who are beginning this journey of Sustainability.

Everyone, hop over here to read our full featured article (https://zcu.io/9IQH ) and do visit Prakati website (https://zcu.io/nLQt ).

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