Global Edge School Leadership Meet at Organo Antharam

Naga Vamsi Neelam
November 17, 2023

Organo Et School was delighted to host the Global Edge School leadership meeting at Organo Antharam. The founder, Mrs. Swathi Reddy, the principal, Mrs. Ranjita Rao, and several senior teachers from all branches gathered early in the morning at India's first car-free eco-community, Organo Antharam. 

In addition to conducting a comprehensive meeting, they expressed their desire to explore various sustainable aspects of Organo Antharam and incorporate some of these elements into their own schools.

To begin, they took a tour of the community, during which they were introduced to how seven strands of sustainability are seamlessly integrated into the community. They visited afforestation areas and, when they convened at 'God's Own Office,' they were informed about rainwater harvesting, solar energy production, optimal home design, accommodations for other species, the symbiotic relationship between neighboring villages and an eco-community, and the practice of natural farming. Responding to Mrs. Ranjita Rao's request, we provided information about Organo Et School's programs and their benefits for children. We also discussed how their school could introduce sustainable concepts into their curriculum.

Their journey continued through one of our clusters called Ravipalle, where they observed homes constructed with inspiration from traditional Indian villages. 

They visited a cluster club designed for chess enthusiasts and admired the thoughtful design and scenic views from the model house. 

Following this tour, they convened at Rurban Hive for a comprehensive leadership meeting to discuss various key issues related to their schools.

After their meeting, Mr. Srinath Manda, the General Manager of Organo Et School, presented various initiatives of Organo Et School that could benefit other schools. He also discussed the integration of sustainability into school curricula. After the presentation, they enjoyed a delicious lunch at the Slow Down Place in Rurban Hive. 

Following lunch, they shared their impressions of the visit and concluded their time at Organo Antharam with another brief meeting.

We were pleased to have hosted this event and deeply appreciate the participation of Mrs. Ranjita Rao, Mrs. Swati Reddy, and all the other teachers who visited Organo Antharam, demonstrating their enthusiasm for implementing sustainable concepts in their schools.

About Organo Et School (OES)

Organo Et School empowers people to embrace eco-living mindsets, behaviors, and habits. We recognize that for any positive impact to be sustainable, it must be long-term and inter-generational.

Organo Et School is a learning initiative set up by Organo in 2017 and has been facilitating field visits and workshops for Schools and Interest Groups. Organo Et School has had over 25+ schools, 6500+ students, and 3000+ adults participate over the last 5 years.

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