All about Solar Power System

Shilpi Shukla
July 20, 2021
Solar Energy, Today's resource for a brighter tomorrow.

Meet one of our experts Mr. Indrasen Bolampally, founder of Four Solar Energy Systems Pvt Ltd who talks about each of the aspects of Solar Power Generation. Mr Bolampally was kind enough to  answer all our questions.

1.       What is the Journey of Solar Power?

People have used solar power as far back in history as the 7th century B.C. In its most primitive state, energy from the sun has been revered and put to use almost as long as man has walked the earth.The earliest uses of solar power included focusing the sun’s energy through a magnifying glass to start fires for cooking. Centuries later in 1876 William Grylls Adams and Richard Evans Day applied the photovoltaic principle and year after year there was refinement to this system.

2.       What is Solar Power?

Solar power generates electricity by converting the energy from the Sun. It is a renewable source of energy which is a very sustainable, reliable and cost-effective.


3.       Why should I go for Rooftop Solar?

a.      Does not require a lot of maintenance except cleaning of solar panels

b.      Savings

c.      Better ROI

d.      Guilt free consumption

e.      Demonstrate your commitment to sustainability


4.       How does solar power work?

A Solar photovoltaic (PV) system absorbs sunlight and converts it into energy to power your business.Solar panels are mounted on the roof of a building or on the ground.  They are then oriented and pitched - at the latitude of the place - to capture maximum sunlight throughout the year there by producing optimal output. The efficiency of solar is usually between 15% to 20%.The energy produced by solar is of Direct Current (DC Type). Our electrical and electronic equipment at homes using Alternating Current (AC Type). Therefore,inverters are required to convert the DC type to AC type.


5.       What types of solar power is installed?

On-grid system - net meter- or gross meter- based system (no batteries)

Off-grid system - battery-based system

Hybrid - On-grid and Off-grid in one system


6.       What if my solar system doesn't generate as much energy as anticipated?

The solar system works on sunlight, so it is possible that there may be times in the year where it is cloudy and solar power is not generated enough. In such situations, the load at home or building will draw power from the Utility Grid automatically, that is, when the load is more than the solar production then it imports power from the Grid.


7.       What happens at night?

In anon-grid system, any excess power produced in the day time is exported to the government electricity (utility) grid. All the energy exported can be imported back at night at the same tariff. For an off-grid system, the excess energy produced in the day is stored in battery banks and is reused at night.


8.       How are solar warranties handled?


Solar Panels
Performance Warranty: 25 Years
Product Warranty: 10 Years


Product and Performance Warranty: 5 to 7 Years (based on Make)


9.       What is the Return of Investment?

The ROI depends on the loads (size) in the house, the capacity of total solar photovoltaic installation and the type of system installed.

 Typically,one can get ROI between 3 and 5 years (based on tariff).


Some interesting facts about Solar Power

1. Solar energy has been used for over 2700 years. In 700 BC, glass lenses were used to make fire by magnifying the sun’s rays

2. The 1st Solar Panel cells were invented in 1941.

3. Space missions by various countries use solar energy to power their spaceships

4. In 1990 a solar powered aircraft flew across the United States using no fuel

5. The world's largest solar thermal plants are located in the state of California

6. Albert Einstein won a Nobel Prize in 1921 for his research on photoelectric effect which is primarily how electricity is produced     the solar panels when light falls on them.

7. If all the sun’s energy falling on the earth for one day is converted to electricity,humanity can survive for at least a year.




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