A day's session Designing Be a Farmer Program for Teens

November 1, 2022
Garima Goel

OES organised a very productive daylong session for teenagers at Organo Naandi. The session was chaired by Ms. Meena Murugappan, Director-Organo Et School (OES). There were 15 Participants, who were all bright teenagers in the age bracket of 15-17 years. All of them were keen to take part in this interesting design thinking and planning workshop, to collaboratively redesign the Be a Farmer program for teenagers. 

Currently OES is successfully running Be a Farmer program, designed to create awareness about soil and farming among young children in the age bracket of 6-12 years. These programs are conducted at OES Children's farm campus, Kesaram.

During the redesigning workshop, participants were divided into groups to suggest strategies for a Be a farming program to be conducted for Teenagers, keeping present course curriculum as reference. During the day they were taken through a holistic experience of connecting with soil and nature with workshops and activities. All of them learned how to grow microgreens of Wheat (Wheat grass) and Fenugreek (Methi 2-3 inches long plants) microgreens through a DIY workshop, conducted by Ms. Meena. They also participated in another DIY workshop of making Jeevamrutham a biofertilizer made by natural ingredients. The touch experiences this activity gave were overwhelming for a few participants. It helped shed a lot of apprehension amongst these teenagers.

After a few engrossing discussions regarding the marketing and communication plans for talking to and reaching a larger teen audience, some valid pointers emerged. As they progressed deeper into the session, it was interesting to note that they all were putting in their thoughts to design this program for the teens. So, the advantage this program has is that it is designed by teenagers for the teenagers to dive into the farming world through this new Be a Farmer program. The session concluded with each team presenting the new curriculum to OES panel and farm coaches for review and feedback, followed by a Q&A session.

The workshop had strategically placed breaks for food and refreshments cooked with locally produced vegetables and other safe and witnessed ingredients. Post session each participant was presented with a microgreen starter kit with a growth tracker sheet, 1 lit. Bottle of Jeevamrutham, they made earlier during the day and a certificate of participation.

About Organo Et School (OES)

At OES, we are undertaking deliberate steps to build a strong portfolio to support the transition of educational institutions, residential communities and corporate offices towards earth-friendly operations and culture. Through various sustainability initiatives, programs and workshops, we intend to empower people to embrace eco-living solutions, mindsets and habits.

We recognize that for any positive impact to be sustainable, it must be long-term and inter-generational. Organo Et School strives to create an apt learning environment that will support and empower families as well as individuals to embrace sustainable living mindsets and habits. Organo Et School is a learning initiative set up by Organo in 2017 and has been facilitating field visits and workshops for Schools and interest Groups. Organo Et School has had over 25+ schools, 6500+ students and 2800+ adults have participated over the last 5 years.

Please send your queries to us at oes@organo.co.in and by phone 9154100775 today!

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