6-8 year Olds Attend Eco-Summer Camp

Meena Murugappan
October 12, 2021

We recognize that for any positive impact to be sustainable, it has to be long-term and inter-generational. Organo Et School strives to create an apt learning environment that will support and empower families as well as individuals to embrace sustainable living mindsets and habits.

As part of OES’s Eco-Summer Camp program, children from the age-groups of 6-8 from various communities in Hyderabad participated in the week-long program. The program covered 2 out of 7 strands of sustainability (Air, Water, Energy, Food, Shelter, People & Earth) and the learning outcomes were delivered through tailored workshops by teachers & experts using varied online-teaching methods, that are apt for the age group.

In addition to introduction to sustainability, physical activities were introduced daily to the children through Music and Movement. Below is a quick recap on the week-long program.

Day 1 Concepts: Music & Movement, Recycling and Upcycling, Food and Nature

On Day 1, children learned different yoga poses in a form of a story of a life cycle of a butterfly. Sachi, our music and movement instructor, also had a fun dancing session for warm up.  After which, the children also learned different hand and leg gestures that improves focus and concentration.  

Children did an Art Portfolio by decorating an old brown paper bag. They shared their experiences on reusing old items for new uses. Children learned the importance of reducing the plastic waste and they were also empowered with an introduction of responsible disposal of waste.

In order to get children engaged with their food and where it comes from, there was a short quick where children recognized various vegetables and encouraged to develop cooking skills, under their parents' supervision.  

Day 2 Concepts: Music & Movement, Me & My Environment, Food and Health

On Day 2, The session started with warm up followed by a yoga segment that was with different emotions like frustrated frog, tired turtle, grateful giraffe, a free bird and buzzing bee. The children also learnt dance with different animal movements in a jungle. Children were encouraged to do free dancing to help them think of the movements on their own.

During the Earth session, children learnt about the environment, what are the basic needs of all living things, and how each is related to the other. This was delivered through creating and sharing. Through pebble painting activity, they not only were creative, showcased their skills, while discussing on where rocks and pebbles come from. This session was facilitated by our external collaborator Ms. Raji, an experienced teacher for Primary Years students.  

During the Food session, the tittle ones honed their baking skills by learning to bake healthy finger millet cookies, along with their parent.

Day 3 Concepts: Music & Movement, Farm to Table Food, Food and Waste Cycle, Nature Art

Children learned different yoga poses in a form of a story of a cat and dog. Children had a dancing session for warm up. Children learned different hand gestures for a story of Indian mythological characters.

During the Food session, children recognized various sources of food; they were walked through the journey of wheat. They then heard a story about being grateful to our food growers, all the people that help in getting our food from farm to our table.

During the Earth session, children enjoyed doing a fun culinary activity of making a banana smoothie. With leftover banana peel, children learnt to make a natural fertilizer. This introduced a waste reuse cycle concept to the children.  

The day ended with a fun nature art session where children were encouraged to paint twigs and sticks.  

Day 4 Concepts: Music & Movement, Food & Earth-friendly Choices, Waste Management, Nature Art

Children had a dancing session for warm up, followed by various yoga poses enacting the slogan "I am brave, fearless, friendly and wise". Children learned an energetic dance sequence. Children learned different hand gestures for the story of a mighty elephant in the forest.  

During the food session, children prepared a tasty and nutritious carrot, raisins and peanut salad. During the salad activity, our teacher Ms. Raji guided them regarding food, nutrition and making healthy food choices.  

During the Earth session, children then had a thoughtful discussion about responsible waste segregation and disposal. It was heartening to see the enthusiasm with which they spoke about responsible waste disposal.  

The day ended with a nature craft session where children made a rain stick with grains and pebbles. They were really thrilled with their work.  

Day 5 Concepts: Music & Movement, Food & Healthy Choices, Turning Waste into Resource, Upcycling

Children had a dancing session for warm up. On this last day of workshop, children did a recap of all yoga asanas they learnt in the last 4 days. Children enacted a story of monkey and a crocodile through hand gestures.

During the Food session, children had a fun culinary activity of making watermelon pizza. Here again, the importance of food and healthy choices was expanded.  

During Earth session, children then learnt about ways of turning waste into resource. Children were walked through a demonstration of making compost using shredded paper, kitchen waste, dried leaves and twigs, and used tea bags. The compost bin was recycled old plastic container.  

As a special craft treat, children had a fun craft session and made a papier-mache bin for storing small items. The session ended with distribution of certificates for children for their active participation in Eco-summer camp.  

We believe in connecting children & adults with nature. Connecting children with the natural world at a young age is the first step in creating responsible stewards of our collective future. If you or your children are interested, please join us in learning and playing in a week of sustainability-themed summer camp! You can connect to us at oes@organo.co.in and by phone 9154100775

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